Explore Nature’s Best Hope with Creation Care Study
Explore Nature’s Best Hope with Creation Care
Join Kathy Shoaf, Jean Jones, and Nancy Keziah for a 6-week study of Nature’s Best Hope by Creation Care is presenting a study on “Nature’s Best Hope”, a book by Douglas Tallamy.
Kathy Shoaf, Jean Jones and Nancy Keziah will be leading this very interesting study on how nature in your own backyard can make a change in conservation and make for a healthier environment.
Quoted from Kathy Shoaf, “This book has given me so much knowledge to encourage vibrant life for our local birds, butterflies and native plants.”
This 6 week study will be on Wednesdays starting February 5th from 6-7 PM in the church library. Please read chapters 1 & 2 prior to Feb. 5th. (Books are available online at Amazon).