Men’s Breakfast

If you've never attended before, make it a point to come, get the best breakfast in Charlotte, free of charge. If you have been in the past, I want to

Blessing of the Backpacks

Harrison Church - Hammill Hall

Mark your calendars for a day of celebration and new beginnings! On Sunday, August 25, we invite you to join us for a special Blessing of the Backpacks during our 9 AM

Mexico Mission Experience

Join us to learn about our upcoming Mexico mission trip! This opportunity to make a tangible difference in your life and with our siblings in Reynosa, Mx, while experiencing a

Fall Launch Foam Party

The excitement continues at 10 AM with the launch of our fall programs for children and youth! To kick off the new season, we’ll be hosting a fun-filled Foam Party with frozen


Harrison Church, Admin Building Rm 115

Join us for HALO (Harrison Adult Ladies Outings), where we gather one evening each month for snacks, games, and meaningful fellowship with women of all ages. We’d love for you